Common Technical Terms for Roads

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Common Technical Terms for Roads

Carriageway: The part of the road intended for the movement of vehicles.

Wearing Course: The top layer of the carriageway, which is directly subjected to traffic and wear.

Binder Course: The intermediate layer of the carriageway, which provides adhesion and transfers loads between the wearing course and the base course.

Base Course: The bottom layer of the carriageway, which supports the loads from traffic and distributes these loads into the soil beneath the road.

Subbase: The layer beneath the base course, which is responsible for uniformly distributing loads and preventing soil deformations.

Stabilized Soil: Soil treated with additives (e.g., cement, lime) to improve its mechanical properties and stability.

Road Geometry: The geometric characteristics of the road, such as curve radius, slope gradient, carriageway width, and longitudinal slopes.

Cross-Section: The cross-sectional view of the road, which shows the heights and slopes at different parts of the carriageway (e.g., center, shoulders).

Design Speed: The maximum recommended speed for safe travel on the designed road.

Visibility Curves: Sections of the road where drivers have clear and sufficient visibility to detect obstacles or oncoming vehicles.

Road Markings: Lines, signs, and symbols applied to the carriageway to guide drivers and ensure safe traffic flow.

Traffic Signs: Systems of signs and indicators that provide instructions and warnings to drivers regarding traffic conditions and conduct rules.

Intersection: An area where two or more roads meet, and vehicles can change direction.

Access Road: A section of road that provides access to properties, buildings, or industrial areas.

Directional Signs: Signs indicating the direction drivers should follow to reach their desired destination.

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